Monday 31 May 2010

As for me last article was very complicated, because there were many scietific terms. The internet address of last article is (
I tried to find the article about economy in Canada but I found only the article about Science In Canada. I had no choice. David Valentine - professor at the University of California, thinks that measuring the leaked methane gas in the sea water will give us a much more accurate reading.

And also I leant that measuring methane to determine extent of oil spill. Knowing how much oil has spilled from the Deepwater Horizon Rig in the Gulf of Mexico is vital to calculate the environmental impact and to inform the clean up crews. But determining how much oil has leaked has proved very difficult.

I think it is interesting that astronomer Professor Martin Rees chooses the moment when fellow Cambridge astronomer, Martin Ryle revealed that radio waves in deep space enabled him to explore the distant universe.

Unfortunately, I got to know that scientists in Canada are using pond snails to investigate the effects of drug abuse. The snail's simple nervous system makes the creature a very useful model for how addiction to methamphetamine might affect our brains, and in particular how certain drugs can affect our memory.
I think that the most impotant part of our life is to know new infomation.

In our days mass media has created many business game about business situation. As for me it is very complicated to give new difficult knowlege in the simple form. Fortunately, today everything is possible. And it is great.

I have decided to listen the article about money because I have heard that money is this year’s theme. In my opinion it is very interesting. But I should confess that I considered this article ( was very long and I was tired when I listened it. But the article was informative.

In my article The Times newspaper described Roaring Trade accoding to my article as "the liveliest satire on the city since Caryl Churchill’s Serious Money 20 years ago."

After listening the article I think that respect in professional relationships between traders is major as for chiefs as for employ. I changed my mind about market or business competition. I consider that sometimes competition should be taken over the control of Government.

Sunday 28 February 2010

My article is


I would like to say that I have listen a article about Olimpic Game in Canada. I did look for a article about economy in Canada but it is impossible. I think it is because This Olimpic Game in Canada is important and great sporting show in 2010 year.

So, I have to say that I have watched Olimpic Game and have tried to watch all interesting games. I am very angry at Russian losses and our announcers because they praised other sportmens and did not say anything about our sportmens even they were winners. But I think that Olimpic referees were wrong when had marked Evgeni Plushenco.

Thus «The 2010 Winter Olympics in Vancouver promises to be a glittering event. Medals will be won, records broken and sporting stars born.» is article's headline. And I have to say that it was. I have known that Olimpic Game is expensive show. But I was wrong it is VERY expensive show.

David Goldblatt is the reporter my article said that Olimpic Game in Vancouver were paid in Canada's government and the City of Vancouver . All sporting bildings were built before World Economic Crisic. It means about competence of Canadian government.

Canada's team took part in Olimpic Game great and won first place in Medal set-off of Vancouver.

I wish that our team could win Olimpic Game in Sochi

Monday 7 December 2009

I am sorry but I forget to add my annotation . This is
I would like to say that I had many problems while I was listening a broadcast. And I could find economic radio about Australia that I had found only radio about Australian Sport and Global Stories The HARDtalk on the Road, Part 1 was unopened by me .
There is economic news about Yemen. So I prefed to listen about Canada. Because It is very interesting country which has modern economy.
But I had listened broadcast about meeting President Barak Obama with the leaders of Mexico and Canada. It was informative to listen. These politic leaders discussed NAFTA, the North American Free Trade Agreement. But it was NOT satisfactory because options were not suitable for all of leaders. Leaders of countries such as Canada and the US had big problems with exports of Canadian wood. Leader of Canadian government wanted to develop economy position of his country. But it was one problem in their discuss, other problem was with the US and Mexico. Anybody Knows about their politic problems. Main problem is politic of the US with Mexico. Govenment of Mexico declared that Politic of Us had made problem in their life .
I think the US made so many mistakes with discusses with other country that anyone do not have fingers to calculate it.